Cheerleaders to Triathletes


I’m still recovering from a busy weekend! I headed to Dolphin Stadium early Saturday morning to judge the first round of Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders auditions…I do not miss auditioning, but it was fun to reminisce about those days, as I watched nearly 200 women try and dance their way to a spot on the team. I will say the “freestyle” dancing in South Florida is different from how we dance out West, but maybe it’s a generational gap too! lol I’m looking forward to the final round at Aventura Mall on April 18, when I’ll help select the new team for next season, and see the veteran ladies from last year join in and fight to keep their spots! Below is a picture of me with one of my judge-mates, former NFL player, Louis Oliver… at one point he turned to me and said, “I don’t know how you ever put yourself through this!”


After a tough Saturday of listening to the same song over and over at auditions, I was on Miami Beach before the sun came up on Sunday, for the Nautica South Beach Triathlon…over 1400 participants…who knew!?!?


Michelle Williams (Destiny’s Child) sang the national anthem and Anna Kournikova ran on a celeb relay team, while former “bachelor” star, Andy Baldwin took first place in the celeb division, finishing all three events in about an hour and a half…I’d still be swimming! ha BTW…the last picture is what I look like when I get up to work before the break of dawn! Anyway, the interviews were great and should turn up On The Flipside soon…
