Troy Simmons at Context Art Fair

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I couldn’t be more excited for Troy Simmons and his solo show at the Context Art Fair. I met Troy some years back through his wife who is also in the TV biz and since then I’ve become more familiar with his art, and it’s just so impressive how far he has been able to take his craft through his hard work and dedication. And – early December in Miami is kind of a big deal in the art world when Art Basel sets up shop and the world’s focus on art shift to the spotlight on South Florida. Congratulations to Troy and I wish him continued success!!


See the official press release below.

Local artist Troy Simmons has immersed himself in his latest artwork, exploring the evolution of urbanism and nature’s persistence to coexist. A consistent theme, which echoes true to his intense fascination with nature and modern Brutalist Architecture.

Under the direction of JanKossen Contemporary Art Gallery in Basel, Switzerland, Simmons will showcase his new concrete work during a solo show at CONTEXT Miami Art Fair December 2nd-7th at booth #E75. He will also have several pieces on display at SCOPE Art Show Miami Beach.

His massive, large-scale concrete canvases are a mix of acrylic paints and raw materials. At first glance, the magnitude of his work is clearly realized. Most of his pieces weigh more than 100 pounds. A rough and raw relationship often described as a cataclysmic illustration of urbanism.

Simmons calls his work a “re-incarnation of the Arte Povera genre” where the inclusion of simple natural elements, such as wood and soil takes an integral part in the creation of the art. His intended goal is to create a playful mix of the hard and soft, expressing the ideological perceptions of binary relationships.

Rochi Llaneza, Former Executive Director of Hardcore Contemporary Art, curated his first show in Miami in 2009. She says, “Creating an algorithm of inspired imagery, Simmons’ connection to his ecological charged pieces is clearly reflected in his use of re-purposed materials.”

The inspiration behind his latest collection evolved after a recent trip to Germany. He spent time with his wife’s family exploring Baden-Wurttemberg in the southern part of the country. The postwar architecture is a fragmentation of Germany’s traditional heritage mixed with simple modern construction.

Simmons currently works as a full-time artist, but his educational background is in Architecture and Environmental Science. He studied at Sam Houston State University and worked as an Environmental Lab Technician in Houston, Texas. He later went on to Oklahoma State University and earned a degree in Architectural Design.

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Simmons is a Resident Artist at the Bakehouse Artist Complex in Miami’s Wynwood Art District. Sample of his current work at

Top 20 Under 40, I made the List!

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Who really pays attention to the “lists”?!?! There’s lists and countdowns for just about everything these days and I’ll admit I don’t really pay attention all that often, but I will always browse and glance to see what’s on there…. Well, now that I MADE A LIST, I’d say it’s a pretty darn good feeling! Plus, since this “list” is only for those under the age of 40….my years to make it were running thin! haha!

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At any rate, I am extremely honored, flattered and humbled to be chosen as one of the Top 20 Professionals Under 40 by Brickell Magazine. I must say my nomination came as quite a surprise as I am just now hitting my stride balancing my titles of work and Mommy, and I was thrilled to be selected.

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The photo shoot was lots of fun, as I got to meet some of the other professionals chosen for the May/June 2014 issue (I’m on page 103), everyone has a story to tell and I’m in great company! So, if you’re in and around downtown Miami/Brickell, pick up an issue…or check it out online HERE!!!


Philanthrofest has made a huge impact on the South Florida community. The event, now in its third year, connects 1000’s of South Florida residents to valuable resources and services in the areas of Business & Economic Development, City/County Services, Civic Engagement/Community Improvement & Capacity Building, Cultural/Arts/Humanities, Educational, Environmental, Health/Human Services/Disease Prevention, Poverty/Welfare, Animal Related, Food/Agriculture/Nutrition, Recreation & Sports, and Youth Development & Services.The PhilanthroFest Community Engagement Festival features more than 100 South Florida non-profits and community agencies, art, music and dance entertainment, a kid’s zone, a community stage, healthy living section, and other family friendly attractions.

PhilanthroFest is FREE and open to the public with the goal of connecting volunteers and donors to not-for-profit organizations while creating an environment that promotes civic engagement, deepens community connections and sparks the philanthropic spirit of South Florida.

3 ways YOU can support PhilanthroFest TODAY:


Donate to support the PhilanthroFest 2014 Festival and we will include your name on our donor recognition page and donor activation at the festival. DONATE VIA EVENTBRITE!


Cast your vote for PhilanthroFest in the KIND “Do The KIND Thing” Challenge: VOTE NOW!


Share your #PhilanthroSMILE with us and be featured in our social media campaign: SHARE YOUR #PHILANTHROSMILE

Cover Girl x Vixen Workout

I finally got an opportunity to check out and try the “Vixen Workout.” And, it just so happens that the class I went to was actually part of an event where the #vixenarmy teamed up with Cover Girl to promote Bombshell mascara! The event was on South Beach in Miami and while I had some idea of  what the workout was going to be like, I don’t know if anything could’ve quite prepared me for its intensity!!!

First things first, they had Cover Girl makeup artists on hand to assist with the #bombshelling look…so I did that. The event took place in a large space with lighting to set the “mood.” The idea was to have a concert feel, since the Vixen Workout is taking a page out of a video vixen’s “book.” There was a great turnout, I mean hundreds of women ready to work it out!! I was told this fitness regimen has a cult-like following, and from the large crowd of excited ladies who showed up, that is clearly evident.


Now about the workout, it is seriously a heart-pumping, energy-inducing, sweat producing, non-stop dance-filled workout. The creator of the Vixen Workout is Janet Jones, a former Miami HEAT dancer, who basically incorporates some of the hottest dance moves – often seen in music videos, and then choreographs workout routines with lots of sexy, sassy sweat! I loved that Janet, along with her dancers had incomparable energy and while they were “leading” the 1-hour workout, I felt like I was watching Pitbull’s dancers at an award’s show! Lots of fist-pumping, cheering and HIGH ENERGY… Just check out this quick snippet video I shot on my iPhone >>

I will be the first to admit that 30 minutes of this workout quite enough for me…until I can get my cardio up and my thighs/knees can handle all the squats and “drop down and get your eagle on” moves! 😉 Note — if you have any issue with explicit lyrics found in rap music, or walking out of a class with your ears ringing, then this may not be for you! **Plus, I couldn’t help but think of rapper “drama,” when songs by Kanye West, Rick Ross, Chief Keef, etc… came on! It’s not all rap either, there’s lots of Beyonce to go around with some Dancehall, EDM and Latin spice sprinkled in.

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The “Vixen Workout” definitely has Miami written all over it, from the gyrating booty pops to the constant chest thrusts and slinky body rolls…many of the ladies ditched the ponytails and let their hair down while getting some extra lift from wedge sneakers. And — I can’t really think to any “downsides” to this workout…unless you count the all-over soreness you feel the next day. I did find myself getting a bit too technical, wanting to have all the choreography down, and not “mirror” the women on stage – as a dancer I tend to want to have the exact hand placement, movement and timing…but reminder to self, this is all in fun, and after a few classes, you’re sure to have all the vixen moves down pat! What else can I say, I loved it, would totally do it again! And what better way to feel like I was up in the club getting my late night groove on! I mean even my “Cover Girl Bombshell” eyelashes were sweating!! 😉

Right now the Vixen Workout is only in Miami and New York, but it’ll hit the West Coast soon…and I’m sure all my Bay Area U-Jam girls would LOVE it! Visit the website at

Dubs All Day

I spent part of the 2nd day of 2014 at the HEAT vs. Warriors game at American Airlines Arena.

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It’s only once a year (NBA season) when my hometown, Bay Area, Golden State Warriors make it to South Florida, and after many years of struggles and heartache for fans, the team is finally competing (and beating) the competition! Plus, I have to make sure to show some “California Love” …so, it was exciting to see the team in action in Miami and to represent & support a team I grew up watching!

DUBS ALL DAY! I also got to sport a custom shirt design by Tony.psd in the Warriors Blue and Yellow – in fact there were lots of Golden State fans in the crowd Thursday night… so that was fun to see too!!

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And — post game my friend Maite and I were invited to check out “HYDE” – the ‘exclusive” court side club, which was nice because I hadn’t been down there yet when it was “club” time… and coincidentally I ran into my friend Jenn, who was visiting Miami from the Bay! Good times!

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Congratulations to the Miami HEAT, the 2012-2013 NBA Champions!!! And – congrats to Lebron James for earning the NBA Finals MVP once again!!! Parade time on Monday!!! WOOHOO!!


Yesterday I was BLESSED to be the recipient of a BABY SPRINKLE! What is a “sprinkle” you ask? Well, it’s a celebration to help Mom welcome baby #2 or #3 and so on. Basically you’re not showering the Mother with gifts, but rather sprinkling her with a few items!!! So, since I am having my second child, I already have many baby items and wasn’t anticipating any “hoopla” to accompany the impending arrival of baby #2…however my dear friend Constance aka “The Crafty Reporter,” insisted that we needed to celebrate!

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Well, I was just so flattered and she really went all out to make this intimate gathering of my Miami “family” really special — I am SO THANKFUL! She crafted lots of handmade cuteness with the dessert table and decor….I am SO IN LOVE with her crocheted crowns for my “Little Prince.” If you want to see some of her other yarn by design creations you can visit her website for Huggabeans. She is so good at making the most adorable baby hats, blankets, etc… 🙂

Every touch, from the printed menu’s, goodie bags, color scheme, fancy treats and all the extra attention to detail, really show and the sprinkle was nothing short of FABULOUS! Take a look at these photos of the “spread!”


And — of course I can’t forget the lovely women who attended the sprinkle…THANK YOU for coming and sprinkling me and baby #2 with LOVE!!

FYI — The venue for my Sprinkle was City Hall the Restaurant in downtown Miami…and the food was extra YUMMY!

Now it’s countdown time til my “Little Prince” arrives!