I just finished reading “The 5 Love Languages.” This book is SO insightful and it’s given me new energy!!!
I had heard so much about this book and after a few friends (who have read it) recommended it to me, I decided to pick it up. WOW! First off, it’s an easy read and I immediately started seeing myself in the characters and stories told in the book. Second, it really began to open my eyes and reinforce the notion that how we GIVE love and how we want to RECEIVE it are usually the same, but the person we may be giving it to and how they return their love to us, are often times a different “language.”
I’m also excited to DISCOVER and KNOW my language(s). The book gives you the framework to determine which language will speak love to you, and I think in understanding yourself, it’s easier to communicate your needs. And then of course, if you can discover and know which language(s) will speak loudest to a loved one, it gives you the power to love them the way they want and NEED to be loved!
There’s also a cool online tool to help you determine your “love language.” Visit www.5lovelanguages.com
So what’s your LOVE language??
* Words of Affirmation
* Quality Time
* Receiving Gifts
* Acts of Service
* Physical Touch