
I caught a “sneak preview” of new movie BRUNO last night, and thought I’d share my reaction… I guess the best way to illustrate my exact thoughts are to imagine if you were sitting next to me in the theater. My soundtrack would’ve went something like this: “Wow…OMG…are you serious? REALLY!?!…Wow, WOOOOW…OMG…What!?!?” It was that type of thing (for me) over and over. Anyway, after we view films they always ask us for quotes, and a few words key words fit my description…INTERESTING, SHOCKING and DIFFERENT! Okay, so maybe it’s me and Sacha Baron Cohen’s humor isn’t really my taste. I also kept thinking, how did he film this all “real life”…some of it I could see, but other parts, I just wonder what they told everyone to justify having cameras rolling! A word of warning, there’s A LOT of full, frontal male nudity. I remember when I first heard of him back in Australia in 2002. My friend Carol and I were visiting my sister Adrienne who was studying abroad in Sydney, and we kept seeing these billboards for the Ali G movie…so we went to check it out…I didn’t get him then either! Anyway, he definitely has a recurring theme with a fascination on the gay lifestyle and male “private” parts. Now, there are scenes in the movie that are funny, but it’s one of those it is WHAT IT IS type deals.

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