Hola CABO!

I took my travels international this past weekend for one of my long-time girlfriend’s wedding celebration. I was one of her chosen bridesmaids and it was exciting to head south for this destination wedding…my first time going to CABO, MEXICO! There was so much going on, I didn’t take too many pictures on my personal camera, but here’s what I have…


So, I met up with fellow bridesmaid Carrie at LAX to fly into SJD, and after slight haggling with the “timeshare solicitors” at the airport, we arrived at the wedding venue hotel, Sirena Del Mar. It’s a pretty new hotel, under a year old (across from Home Depot) on the way to downtown Cabo. Aside from the lovely newness of the resort, we were greeted by a stunning view of the Pacific Ocean!

Imagine having THIS as your backdrop for a wedding ceremony!?!? NICE!!

A popular balcony/patio feature was the hammock..see Carrie and Amaya enjoying…

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Then it was time to get ready…Maureen and I suited up in our dresses…I’m just tickled by the photo of our dresses on the hangers!!!

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Then, I did Flower Girl Amaya’s hair… she loved it!


Maureen helped Riza get dressed while Jay (http://www.balanceandcontrast.com) took pics…


And — Carrie handled Riza’s, makeup… WHAT A BEAUTIFUL BRIDE!

Me and my wedding/WSVN partner in crime – Donovan

And the rest is history…CONGRATS to Riza and Ced…


Group shot >> WHOA Mexico! LOL


So, let me end this post with my last image of Cabo from the Pueblo Bonito Rose resort…King Neptune! ha


Okay, I won’t leave you like that, but here’s me on the beach in Cabo saying, “Adios!”

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