Today I made my last appearance on-air as Co-Host of The Hampton Roads Show, and I will be returning home to the Bay Area next week! It’s been lots of fun over the last 13 months on the show and I’ve had some exciting experiences and met lots of wonderful people, starting with the staff and crew on the show and at the station…as well as the chefs, comedians and range of guests who’ve stopped by the show too!
And — of course when you “leave” the next question is where are you going!?!? So, the short and simple answer is I’m leaving to be closer to family. I will be working as a freelancer in the Bay – so if you want to send work my way.. 🙂 And, I will be have more time to focus on my duties as a Mommy to the best little boys anyone could ever ask for!!
Here’s a little Hampton Roads Show photo trip down memory lane…